Monday, December 1, 2008
Sweet Potates
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Live long & Caffeinated
Women who drink 2 to 3 cups of regular coffee daily have a 25% lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease than nondrinkers, according to researchers who tracked the habits of more than 100,000 adults. Coffee drinkers also had a 30% lower risk of death from causes other than cancer or cardiovascular disease that coffee skippers. Researchers say the protective effect may come from something other than caffeine, because decaf drinkers also had lower death rates (though not as low as those of caffeine drinkers). Our advice : Use fat-free milk and minimal sweetener to add flavor – some coffee drinks can pack 300 plus calories
Prevention Mag. pg 74 Nov 2008.
To view advantages of a healthier coffee with a power food – Ganoderma Lucidum, go to The 24-7 Shop coffee site.
For more information that will allow you to improve your health through educated life style choices, go to The 24-7 Shop Healthy Practices (112407)
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Coffee blocks breast cancer!
For information of Gano enriched coffee and the benefits of Ganoderma Lucidum go to The 24_7 Shop.
Additional research pertaining to cancer can be found at The 24-7 Shop Healthy Practices (112407)
Monday, October 6, 2008
How to Hug
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Why cut Sodium
You don’t have to overhaul your diet to lower your blood pressure – setting down the salt shaker may be enough. Scientists at
Prevention Mag pg 74 May 2008.
For more information that will allow you to improve your health through educated life style choices, go to The 24-7 Shop Healthy Practices (112407)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Minerals – Magnesium
An essential mineral found in dark green vegetables, seeds, legumes, nuts, and whole grains.
Boots immunity, keeps bones strong, regulates blood sugar levels, and promotes normal blood pressure. Also assists the absorption of calcium
Provide by Tiffany Plate in Deliciousliving annual guide.
For more research on nutrition, minerals and health go to Advanced Scientific Health website --
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Watermelon - The Health Benefits
Watermelon - The Health Benefits
Eating a few slices of the fruit after dinner can extend deep stages of sleep by 27 percent, say scientists at the National Institutes of Health. The item that provides this push is the watermelon’s polysaccharide carbohydrates rev the body’s output of serotonin. When levels of this neurotransmitter rise at night, the brain is less sensitive to disruptive stimuli (like noise) during sleep.
A daily serving of watermelon has been shown to hoist energy levels by up to 23 percent. Part of the credit goes to the fruit’s vitamin B6, which the body uses to synthesize feel-good dopamine. Plus, watermelon’s magnesium assists in the body’s formation of adenosine triphosphate. Like a rechargeable battery, this nucleotide fuels cellular function for all-day zip.
Consuming watermelon ensures quick recovery from summertime scrapes. The fruit is packed with amino acid citrulline, which the body converts to arginine. Arginine speeds the delivery of white blood cells to injury sites, plus spurs the growth of new skin tissue. Research shows that these processes can help heal three times faster.
Article in
For additional informative articles on health and nutrition go to
Friday, August 15, 2008
more Hugs, Fewer Drugs
More Hugs, Fewer Drugs
To treat a repeat episode of depression, try getting Mom, Dad, and the kids involved. Family talk therapy was more effective at treating recurrent clinical depression than increasing antidepressant dosage in a 1-year study at the
Article on pg 130 Prevention Mag dtd April 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Healthy Coffee Anyone?
Healthy Coffee Anyone?
By Dr. Diane Spindler
We have all heard that coffee is bad for our health. What if I told you that coffee can be good for you? What If I told you about a Healthier coffee than commercially processed coffees, yet gives you all the rich flavor and even more energy than fully-caffeinated coffee? What if I told you that this coffee might actually improve your sleep, balance your pH, increase oxygen to your brain, help balance your weight, and boost your overall health so efficiently that you can feel the benefits almost immediately?
What if I told you that this is REAL coffee (not a coffee substitute) grown and processed organically without the use of chemicals, pesticides, hormones or artificial fertilizers? What if I told you that this coffee actually helps to remove toxins from your body, and with every cup you drink, you can feel better and realize increasing health benefits? And, what if this particular coffee tastes good, really good?
For the first time in
In fact, children who drink the zero caffeine chocolate beverage may be sleeping more soundly and focusing better in school. And, this gourmet product, grown and produced without chemicals and pesticides, is available to you for at, or below, market value, averaging $20.00 for 30 servings wholesale, and about $32 retail.
What makes this coffee healthy?
This particular brand of coffee, tea and delicious hot cocoa contains an incredible taste-free mushroom substance that, once added to the beverages, provides incredible health properties. This coffee is very low in acid and has a dramatically diminished caffeine effect. The mushroom in the coffee has been used medicinally in
What is Ganoderma?
Ganoderma lucidum is the scientific name
Gano Cafe |
for a species of red mushroom that has been cultivated on plantations and grown wild in
·Strengthen the body’s immune system
·Balance blood sugar level and improves pancreatic functions
·Protects against degeneration of skin cells and eliminates dead surface cells which improves skin texture and reduces the appearance of aging
·Controls destruction of healthy cells throughout the body
·Eliminates accumulated toxins
Organic Germanium
.Increases oxygen in the blood system
·Reduces fatigue and increases vitality
·Strengthens the immune system
·Increases the metabolism
·Contains an abundance of anti-oxidants that control or inhibit damaging free radicals. (Free radicals are a major cause of cell degeneration, cancer and aging).
·Assists our body’s natural ability to fight cancer cells
·Reduces cholesterol and body fat
·Helps to unclog arteries plugged with fatty deposits, and supports liver function
·Balances the metabolic rate and boosts energy
·Prevents fragmentation of platelets which can cause blockages in the circulatory system
·Fortifies and improves the digestive system
·Inhibits allergies, relieves sinus congestion, and helps with respiratory problems
·Reduces cholesterol and fat
Ganoderic Essence
·Rejuvenates the body’s tissues and cells
·Boosts all the body’s functions
·Helps to maintain youthfulness and contributes to improved vitality
·Overcomes skin disorders and beautifies the skin
·Is effective for relieving external problems such as scrapes, skin wounds, psoriasis, bug bites, stings, sunburn, mouth ulcers, and external bleeding.
Plus, the scientific documented research on the effect of Ganoderma lucidum on cancer cells, HIV, diabetes and blood pressure is amazing. Ganoderma has no known side-effects! You can read more about Ganoderma lucidum on the National Medical Library Publication website, For thousands of years, Ganoderma Lucidum has been highly regarded by the Chinese as the "Miraculous King of Herbs."
You can drink coffee and be healthy, too!
Finally you, too, can benefit from the miracle of Ganoderma If you are interested in more information on this product you can contact:
Clare Sheufelt
(517) 414-0965
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Why 8 -8oz glasses of water per Day
How Is 8 x 8 Justified?
Let’s get back to the original question of the eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. Is it justified? Let's look at a basic physiology textbook, such as Guyton’s Textbook of Medical Physiology (1). You find in a section in the chapter on fluid balance that they talk about how much water we lose every day under normal conditions:
- Skin (not from sweat)--12 ounces
- Lungs--12 ounces
- Sweat--4 ounces (without exercise)
- Feces--4 ounces
- Urine--48 ounces
- Total: 80 ounces per day. And remember, that’s without sweating due to exercise or high heat and humidity.
There’s one more thing that you’ll probably read somewhere and that’s the water in fruits and vegetables counts toward that total. I agree, but most of us eat only three or four servings of fruits and vegetables per day, if that. Let’s say you start your day with an orange; that’s four ounces of fluid. Later, with your dinner, you have a medium baked potato along with a cup of broccoli; that would add four ounces and three ounces respectively. Then let’s say you top it off with a banana--another three ounces. From the foods you ate, you got 14 ounces of water--you still need another 66 ounces. And that’s why eight 8-ounce glasses of fluid per day is still a good idea. Now you know why. Bottoms up!
- Guyton and Hall. Textbook of Medical Physiology. 10th Edition. W.B. Saunders. Pps 264-5. 2000.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Quick Tip - Smile
When older women flash a board smile, they're perceived even by younger people as more youthful and appealing, according to a study published in Psychology and Aging. Prevention Oct 2007 pg 185
Monday, June 2, 2008
Eat for Younger - Looking Skin
Friday, May 16, 2008
Alternative to Organic Shop locally at a CSA farm
CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) producers use only natural sustainable methods in growing produce and raising animals. This organization is run by framers and does not have the high fees or other items that raise the costs of products. There fields have been in hay for some time with no chemicals or pesticides used on them. The poultry is pasture fed with no hormones or antibiotics.
"Farming cannot take place except in Nature, therefore, if Nature does not thrive, farming cannot thrive. But we know too that Nature includes us. It is not a place into which we can reach from some safe standpoint outside it. We are in it and are a part of it while we use it. If it does not thrive, we cannot thrive. The appropriate measure of farming then is the world's health and our health and it is inescapably one measure." Wendell Berry
Support your community (local producers) and the environment (uses less gasoline to get good food on your table) by buying locally. Become a LOCAVORE.
Here is a link to a local CSA farm in Lower central Michigan. It is called TwoCreeks Farm
How to improve your health
Visit it The 24-7 Shop Healthy Practices (112407)
Here is a sample
For more Information Click on the 24-7 shop below!
The 24-7 Shop’s Healthy Practices Web Site
Advanced Scientific Health (ASH) is a membership organization dedicated to the education and implementation of the ever expanding orthomolecular health knowledge base founded on research and discoveries of nobel prize winning doctors and scientists.
In 1997, at the age of 53, land developer Barney Folger of Marietta, Georgia, was being scheduled for his fourth heart surgery since being diagnosed with heart disease in 1990.
To fully understand what was going through Barney's mind after being told by his cardiologists that they needed to operate on his heart again, one must appreciate the months of agony associated with post-operative recovery. Rather than endure another heart surgery, Barney put his clothes back on and went home. The last words from his cardiologists after he fired them and walked out the door was, "You could die, Barney."
Through his research he discovered the works of Nobel Laureate Dr. Linus Pauling, Nobel Laureate Otto Warburg, Dr. Keith Brewer and others. Their common thread was "Orthomolecular" medicine which is the study of health through nutrition at the cellular level. Orthomolecular protocol could be described as giving back to the body that with which it was born and the body will heal itself. Through that knowledge he found the cure for his hearth disease.
Barney is more alive than ever and desires to share his life changing discoveries with others. He founded Advanced Scientific Health (ASH) in October 2002 to do just that. ASH Members reside in every state in the United States and many other countries. All ASH Members are themselves researchers. ASH Members share their research so that more lives can be saved. Through the study and implementation of "Orthomolecular" science, diseases such as Heart Disease, Cancer, Diabetes, Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinsons, to the common cold can be prevented simply by giving the body the nutrients it need.
Advantages of Organic Produce
Eating Better -- Clare
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Mind Body Spirit Festival
Looking for a place to have fun and learn about new healthy practices and products..
The upcoming spring Mind Body Spirit Festival is the place to go.
The Body Mind Spirit Festival!
The location is the Sports & Expo Center of Macomb Community College in
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Reiki with Chemo
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